"We are the only ones who can tell our stories, because we are the ones who have lived them." -- Susan Witting Albert

I've been thinking a lot lately about telling my story. It takes courage, sure, but also I have to wonder
Does anyone care? Does anyone care to read it? What makes my story worth writing or reading about? Others go through a lot too. Does it seem vain to write about the things that have, and are, affecting me?
No matter what, I will write for myself. In a journal, to process and to heal and to think "in ink."
But, in this way? What is the calling for this blog? Is it only to offer thoughts on writing and journaling? Only to hope to inspire? Or do I dare write about the personal, too.
I've read other bloggers say that they don't care if people comment or not, that they're blogging for themselves, and no other audience. I'm not. I already write for myself, in a journal. If I'm going to write here, I want to know that people are reading, and if you're reading, I want to hear your thoughts.
What do you think? When are our stories worth telling? What makes them worth sharing?