About Me/Contact

 I grew up near the sea with 2 parents and 3 siblings. You could often find me with my nose in a book, riding my bike, or in a tree fort.

I spent a year in Canada in my college years. Between literature classes, chips & salsa, and collaborating on school projects, I met a tall, handsome Canadian and a few years later we got married.

We are raising two beautiful children and also lost an unborn baby. That loss shapes who I am and how I see the world.

I have been living with chronic pain since 2005, have had multiple surgeries, and was diagnosed with a chronic inflammatory disease in 2010.

I believe in using writing and art for expression and healing. I try to make a choice daily to be joyful, positive, and allow the hard stuff to help me grow.Within loss and pain there are countless blessings.

I homeschool our daughters and love encouraging their creativity and unique interests.

Someday I hope to publish a book, and see Europe with my husband. For now I hope to be a positive person and inspire others to use their creativity.

Thank you for visiting Live Art.fully!

If you want to contact me, send me an email at injennuitive [at] hotmail [dot] com. 

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