

Can it be true that spring has finally arrived? Now that we are just over a month away from the official beginning of summer?

Today was gorgeous, although the breeze was still a bit chilly, and the girls and I spent a lovely two hours at the park after school. Tonight I feel reminders of the sunny day on my arms and back.

I LOVE rain. Ask anyone.

I also love sunny days when it is not too hot and I can spend time with the girls at the park. They love swinging and sliding and teeter-tottering and all that park life entails. I love watching their antics, witnessing their joy, knowing they are getting good exercise and fresh air and Vitamin D, photographing them, and maybe scribbling in my notebook for 5 minutes.

Today was just one of those days, and it made me excited for summer. No school schedule. No packing lunches every morning. Sunglasses and flip-flops and a tote bag full of things like bandaids, water bottles, wet wipes, snacks, and a book. Coming home sunkissed, with grass stains or sand in between our toes.

Oh, it will be lovely...


  1. ahhhh sounds lovely :)

  2. Your Crescendoh story was wonderful. so glad to be following your blog! xo

  3. Welcome, Kelly! Glad to have you here.

  4. Oops, I forgot to comment! I'm feeling like I missed the One Spring Day, and we're definitely looking forward to some outdoor time at our house. Hoping it's not too far away.

  5. i know I am late on this post, but I wanted to stop by to say hello and thanks for the comment on my blog :)



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