
Flying Free

I can't apologize for not being around for the last couple of weeks. Since I came out of my last flare-up that felt never ending, I have been playing catch up, organizing, and squeezing all I can out of our days and drinking it down like a glass of sweet, fresh-squeezed orange juice.

Just in the last few days, we've relished a trip to the park, a family walk, a little hop-skip out of town for Chinese and a bit of shopping, Redbox movie night, fresh air and sunshine, working on my book, baking cupcakes and cleaning the house.

I'm wearing a big smile and saying Thank You repeatedly, in writing, in prayer, in my heart of hearts, knowing the One I believe gives good gifts hears me.

I'm ALIVE. I'm AWAKE. I'm WALKING {with no limp}. With no limp and no cane, walking feels like flying.

There are little moments of sadness. Moments when the pain rears up, my hip catches, the fatigue slams, and the nerve pain flares. Little moments of a big reminder: I'm not the same as I once was.

But mostly, I'm just flying.

So until I land, I just wanted to hover over this blogspot for a moment and let you know how it feels to be free. It feels like possibility. Like hope. Like a gift. 

I hope your today is a gift.


  1. Oh sweetie, I FEEL your words and I could take flight on them myself. I so get what you are saying and I too am just grateful to wake up to another day filled with potential and yes, possible! Its the biggest gift and I treasure it so! I am so glad you are coming out the other side of a flare! Hugs and love to you!

  2. I'm so thankful you get to set down that awful backpack of pain, fatigue, and illness for a bit and breathe and walk and move and feed your family in so many ways, as well as your own soul. I wish that for you every day! Love you!

  3. I love your expression of gratitude in the simple joys of life, and the lovely pictures of you and your family. You reminded me how good it is to count the blessings of each day.

  4. Jenn, I remember your wedding day and how beautiful you looked - it wasn't the dress or the flowers, it was the happiness everyone could see. You bear the burden of chronic illness with grace, yet I am so sorry you have to. Thank you for showing us grace. Love ~ Heather

  5. Heather, thank you SO much! What a wonderful comment and compliment. <3


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