
My Wish List

I long to inspire.

I want to write and publish.

I want my words to be healing and a gift.

I want to love my community well and to be loved well in return.

I want to be authentic, not fake or pretentious.

I want to never stop looking for the beauty around me.

I want to make art, write poetry, read literature and great memoirs, bake things that make our house smell like a home; not limit myself or put my talents in boxes.

I want to be a remarkable mother.

I want to be grateful, not resentful.

I hope that by sharing my loss journey, other bereaved mothers will feel less alone.

I dream of a storybook childhood for my daughters, as they are my storybook dream.

I want to light a spark in them: a thirst to create, to read, to love well, to be kind, to express themselves, to learn and be curious and observant; always to grow.

I want to creatively document this one wonderful life I am given.

What do you want?

1 comment:

  1. I love the "storybook" photo of Cinnamon Swirl and Natty on the carousel horse!

    It's a lovely list, and many of them are fulfilled by your blog, post after post.

    *I've been purposefully including music in my life the past couple years, but I want more. I want to write it, I want to play it, I want to steep myself in listening to it.

    *I want to continue to facilitate my son's growing and learning as it becomes clearer how we can do that. Most of all I want to Be There for him and love him unconditionally.

    *I want to use the space in our house more effectively.

    *I want to continue to find a variety of ways to be creative -- calligraphy, art, crochet, music, writing...

    *Always adjusting and tweaking and seeking better balance. Do what I can, let the rest go.


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