
"The Life of Me & Nally" by guest blogger, Hannah (age 6)

This day was a good day.

On Saturday, is the best day, sort of... This Saturday I get to go to Grama's house.

This was 2 nights ago. This was the first day that I had my pajamas that I'm wearing in this picture. I love the pajamas. Last night, I weared them. I got them dirty because I spilled some tea on them this morning. Daddy didn't give it to me; I got into the tea myself. It was Valentime's tea. I knew how to make tea. It was yummy. I putted 4 cubes of sugar in it, and that was as yummy as it got.

Today so far has been the best day of my life. And it's pretty fun, because I'm going to have to change 4 times today. So I just like today, because it's a good day. And that would be the end of my blog.


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